The regular meeting of Alpha Phi Omega was called to order at 7 p.m. on October 2 by president Larry Popple.  The treasures report was given and accepted.  We had $32.44.

The committee reports were given.  The Service Committee informed us of the arrangements which had been made in the chapter homecoming weekend in the selling buttons was discussed at great length.  This matter was referred to the committee for further discussion.  Final instructions were given for the rally on the coming Friday night.

The membership committee reminded us of the smoker to be held one-week from the meeting.  Vice president in charge membership at that time told us that he wished to be relieved of the brunt of activities and one and only remain as a member of the membership committee.  À la blow was elected to succeed the current vice president,  Joe Tryba.

Fellowship told us about becoming danced to be held in early November with a Halloween theme.  We are also informed that a film program would follow the meeting.  In comments on this type of program and were solicited.

The Fellowship chairman, it's Mr. Mitchell, rendered the archives committee report which briefly stated that everything was going along very nicely.

The publicity committee made an appeal for people to help address envelopes for the coming weeks smoker, on the night of the rally.

Next old business

Inquiry was made as the previous records of corresponding and recording secretaries.  No information was handy but the archives committee was instructed to explore a closet in Butterfield for the same.

The motion was made in past that we sell buttons for the alumni Association during homecoming and also to help at picnic, sell tickets, direct traffic, and perform all other services needed by the alumni Association.

The motion was made to offer the woman service organization the opportunity to make some money by helping in the sale of buttons on homecoming weekend, and to split the profits.  As stated above this was tabled and referred to committee.

Lipman us take the regional meeting October 28 and 29th by Springfield and finds that it would be difficult to hold it on the campus.  The motion was made in past that we do it.  The meeting was adjourned in the program followed.  The film pictured current developments in satellite relayed indications.  Reaction was favorable and the consensus opinion was that the film should be shown in the future. 

Respectfully submitted
Mark Cheren
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes